This week, Stranger Things’ Millie Bobby Brown and her fiancé, Jake Bongiovi, had an engagement party for friends and family just three months after announcing they were planning to get married on social media. Brown’s hairstylist Pete Burkill shared a few pics from the event on Thursday, showing the couple standing together in front of a bunch of white balloons and a sign that read “Mr & Mrs Bongiovi.”They were both stylishly dressed, with Brown wearing a two piece composed of a crop top and form fitting skirt made from cream-colored lace. The look was from Italian designer Giambattista Valli,…
Author: Admin
June kicks off wedding season and June Weddings on the Hallmark Channel. Their first film, Wedding Season, was aptly named and starred Stephanie Bennett as a journalist standing up at three of her friends’ weddings and Casey Deidrick as her best friend’s brother and emerging photographer. During Wedding Season, Trish (Bennett) was assigned to write a feature article about an inside look into her friends getting married. When things went wrong, Ryan (Deidrick) ran interference and taught her about romance. While Wedding Season was a traditional romcom, it also focused on Trish’s personal journey and how she perceived relationships and…
A major ETF firm provider is betting the artificial intelligence boom is just starting.Roundhill Investments launched the Generative AI & Technology ETF (CHAT) less than 20 days ago. It’s the first-ever exchange-traded fund designed to track companies involved in generative AI and other related technologies.”These companies, we believe, are not just a fad. They’re powering something that could be as ubiquitous as the internet itself,” the firm’s chief strategy officer, Dave Mazza, told “ETF Edge” this week. “We’re not talking about hopes and dreams [or] some theme or fad that could happen 30 years in the future which may change…
Researchers developed a LIDAR system that uses quantum detection technology that can capture 3D images while submerged underwater. They demonstrated the system by using it to capture a 3D image (left) of a pipe (right). The scan was obtained with the single-photon system submerged in a tank. Courtesy: A Maccarone, Heriot-Watt University A new LIDAR system can image objects in three dimensions underwater using a single-photon detector array. Developed by researchers at Herriot-Watt University in the UK, the technology could come in handy for applications such as inspecting, monitoring and surveying underwater objects, off-shore engineering, and even archaeology. â€Å“To the…